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free stuff

We have some cute little Beauty & The Beast Things.

Here is how to get them .....

1. Go to
2. Log in and then go to
3. Wait there for a few seconds or a minute, and then go back to the normal stardoll.

You'll have all the items above


[Thanks to Stardoll's Most Wanted for the pic]

To get this super-cute, retro carpet just follow these steps:

1. Go to a Polish Proxy website such as: OR OR

2. In the long white box, copy and paste this link:

Click OK/Idz/Go or just hit enter

4. Log into Stardoll

5. In the proxies url (the top of the page) copy and paste this link:

6. Then click go, wait until the whole page loads

7. Close the proxy, go to your suite, and in front of your closet should be a gift box!


Heres how to get that dress

1. No proxy just go to this link

2. Scroll down and there should be a doll you can dress up, you can dress her in anything or if you really want to win you can dress her in nice clothes after that click submit and go back to your suite

enjoy xx


Hii :) Theres a free dress and shoes for free today. Mind you there really nice especially the dress ! 


1Go to this proxy sign in to

2. Then copy and paste this

3. Then copy and paste this

4. Wait a few seconds during each link and then go back to your suite to find 2 gift boxes


There's a free Saturdays poster when you join The Saturdays' Club

Click on the link below to join

If you're not from the UK you may have to use a proxy so paste the above link into

See original Post Here:

Do you want this Free cute Teddy Bear?

All you have to do is this .....

Go to:

type this:
Then change the word "view" to "finish"

OMG! This is very cute dress, I hope you like it, too.Now if you want it just: 1. Clickhere. 2. When the page loads, you will see a page a blank box. 3. Sign in that box: 4. Then press "Idz" 5. When the page loads you will see a Stardoll Contest. 6. Log in to your stardoll account, from the left of the page. 7. When you log in you will have to look up. You will see a blank box again. You will have to sign in that box: and click "Go". 8. When the page loads, wait a few and then log out. 9. Log in to your account from the realstardoll and then go to your suite and you will see the dress in a gift box in front of your wardrobe. Enjoy the Free Dress!
If you don't believe me you can check my wardrobe to see it!


  • Use:

  • Go to:

  • Log in

  • After logging in, paste in to URL: 


  • _____________________________________________________________________________________

    1. Use:
    2. Go to:
    3. Log in


    1.go to
    2. type in URL: http://www.stardoll.
    3. log in.



    1.  use
    2. Type in  press surf
    3. Log in
    4. Answer questions OR where it says "view" put in "finish" in the URL
    5. When your all done go to normal stardoll and check your suite


    1. use
    2. Type in
    3. Log in
    4. where it says "view" put in "finish" in the URL
    5. When your all done go to normal stardoll and check your suite


    1. use
    2. Type in
    3. Log in
    4. where it says "view" put in "finish" in the URL
    5. When your all done go to normal stardoll and check your suite

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